Bismarck Drivers (Not Actors) – Parts of Broadway To Be Closed
So if you became instantly annoyed by my semi-clever title (TRYING to pay reference to BROADWAY and theatres/plays and such) then please accept my quick apology. I'm only the mere messenger man who is trying to ease the pain of another soon-to-be road delay. There are many people out there that cannot tie humor into construction, and I can understand that. Hey, let's take a different look at it, at least our weather is staying sunny and still warm in October, keeping outside work on the streets active around certain parts of town - would you rather Mother Nature come here earlier and NO road work?
Beginning tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 8:00 am - Broadway Closure – 26th Street to 24th Street
According to a Public Service Announcement, Mike Berg (Traffic Engineer) relayed some info - "Broadway will be closed to traffic between 26th Street and 24th Street to replace a water main in the intersection of 25th Street and Broadway" The announcement also goes on to say that weather permitting "The closure will be in place until end of the week..."
No detour route will be in place
In other words, find the best solution for you, if you forget about the road work going on. As always the announcement came with asking for patience, which is appreciated - and that is not the easiest thing that certain people can expect to have. Some people act like their hair is on fire when they are delayed more than a couple of minutes. The best bet is to just be as prepared as possible - and you can get more information at bismarcknd.gov.
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